It's been a few days since Coles axed single-use plastic shopping bags from its stores across the country, so we wanted to find out how everyone was coping.
Of course, if you shop at Woolworths you've already been living in this brave new world for weeks — for Aldi shoppers, years — and bans had already been introduced in multiple states and territories (in fact, New South Wales will soon be the only place you'll still be able to get these bags anywhere).
Nevertheless, the latest reports of customer "bag rage" have made international news, so we asked our audience on Facebook Messenger (why not join them?) about how they feel about the latest ban.
The response was clear: 85.2 per cent said it's been great, with only 14.4 per cent saying it has sucked and only 3 people (out of 765!) saying they weren't bothered.
Here are some of the responses we got.
As we say, not everyone was happy about the ban — particularly those who now have to buy bin liners
Laura R called the ban "pointless":
I re-used all my plastic bags as bin liners, now I just have to buy liners from the supermarket.
Victoria L said we'd have to buy bin bags now:
This is a huge saving for Coles it equals a huge drop in expense and an increase in sales. Will there be a decrease of plastic in the ocean?
Marita M called it "ridiculous" to take away plastic bags that were being re-used:
I will now have to buy bin liners and small plastic bags for pet refuse. I'm not quite sure how that's helping the environment!
Marie D says she can't carry plastic bags everywhere she goes:
Yes, environmentally it's great, and after seeing our beautiful oceans full of plastic bags and litter, I wished we could do without. But it's just not practical. Most shopping I do is returning home from being out, not necessarily planned.
There were also reports of people getting upset at the shops
Josie C works for a company that now charges 10c for carry bags:
It's ridiculous the reactions you get. Most are fine with it now, just a little surprised with the change at first. But some people still get so irate at the thought of having to pay 10 CENTS for a reusable plastic bag.
It's appalling, and this move is not the cashiers' fault so people should grow up, have some decent manners, stop being upset at cashiers and just remember a goddamn bag.
Emma M says she's seen shop attendants abused at the major retailers:
We're just exposing workers to abuse for nothing as so many people are getting more and more plastic bags and throwing them away as they don't fit as bin liners like the old ones did!
Kim R said the checkout workers looked terrified as she approached the checkout:
They asked me if I had my own bags and were visibly relieved when I gave them my bags.
They said they had copped a lot of abuse so it was a relief to have a positive customer. They may have to start getting hazard pay!
Patty C says her mum was a bit over dramatic about it when she couldn't get a bag at the shops:
Everyone else with a brain realises it's necessary I think.
Others haven't noticed much of a change at all though
Jacquie B hadn't seen any negativity:
Everyone is turning up with their own bags, and if they forgot and left them in the car, it was laughable, not the end of the world.
Joleen R saw a man standing in line at the checkout as he realised he needed a bag:
They swore and said "I need a bag!" in a way that seemed like they had forgotten the change to bagless and grabbed a bag without complaint.
I think that the supermarkets will profit from people's poor memories but eventually it will plateau as people become used to the change.
Some people got inconvenienced, but thought it was for the greater good
Alex R was forced to carry purchases by hand:
Of course it was my forgetfulness of bringing a shopping bag. I was happy to inconvenience myself so I remember the next time.
Kalina K said it could occasionally be annoying:
But then it's my fault for not thinking ahead. I just don't like that the most common reusable shopping bags are also plastic, and not something like hemp.
Jonathan L said it only sucked because he's not yet in the habit of taking his bags to the shops:
I think the initiative will be overall beneficial, just takes some getting used to.
For Maddi H, it's only the late night runs to the shops where she gets stuck:
I just have to get a handful instead of a massive shop. I have too many bags to keep buying them.
And for most of our audience, they just couldn't see what the fuss was about
Naomi G has been using string bags for eight years:
I don't understand the whining and anger from some people. Do they not care at all about the environment?
Daniella M says it's not hard to put a few bags in your car boot:
The people who are annoyed with the ban need to look at the long-term benefit and realise that a few weeks of discomfort with changing their routine is worth the environmental benefit.
John P says it's really not that hard:
Connect the dots between, 'I'm going to the shop', and 'I might need a bag to carry my shopping!' and you'll go a long way to preserving marine life and the natural beauty of Australia we value so much.
Kaylie J has been plastic-bag free for years, and also uses a reusable coffee cup and never uses plastic straws:
It's not actually very hard at all, and I don't understand the outcry from what seems to mostly be miserable old people who love to hate change. The planet matters far more than a slightly more convenient shopping trip.
Marianne L says she loves shopping with a big canvas bag that she designed herself:
It is easy for me to let go of plastic … one exception … I will never let go of my credit card!
Helen S pointed out there was actually a time before plastic bags became common:
I have started a no-plastic-bag-for-bins policy at home so I don't miss plastic bags to line bins. All landfill rubbish is wrapped in newspaper or put into brown paper bags. All recycle is put directly in recycle bin. All organic matter like food scraps are put in garden waste bin.
There is life after plastic bags. It is the way we did it before plastic bags were the norm.
For many of you, it's the other plastic at the shops that needs to go next
Amy T works at a supermarket and sees it all:
The amount of single use plastic that goes through the registers every shift is very concerning. Plastic bags are only the start.
Marian B says there are bigger problems:
Banning shopping bags while wrapping bananas in plastic wrap is lunacy.
Jenni T is on the same page:
While Woolworths continue to wrap vegetables in single use plastic we're still a long way away from finding a solution.
Lynne B wants to see all single-use plastic banned:
The fresh fruit and veg departments are still a sea of plastic. I think it is hypocritical and misleading to have signs advertising the ban of single-use plastic bags when it is clearly untrue and only at the checkout.
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