
Federal budget 2018: Households to determine fate of Scott Morrison's surplus

Households, and whether a small tax cut is enough to get them spending, could determine the fate of Scott Morrison's plan to return the budget to surplus by 2021, economists said.

If households stick with the cautious behaviour they've exhibited since the financial crisis, real economic growth will struggle to return to the trend – or typical – rate of 3 per cent a year.

Most economists say any real growth projection in Mr Morrison's budget that has a "3" in front of it will be over-optimistic, and a 10-year Commonwealth bond rate of about 2.75 per cent agrees.

"The 10-year bond market is saying 'he is dreaming'," said Con Michalakis, chief investment officer of Adelaide-based Statewide Super.

David Rowe

"You can model it in your Treasury, you can model it in your budget – but the bond market doesn't believe it."


Keating's L.A.W tax cuts

In that case, the Treasurer may turn out to have fallen for the oldest trick in the budget playbook – making permanent spending promises off the back of temporary improvements in tax revenues – veteran economist Chris Richardson warns, citing former prime minster Paul Keating's ill-fated "L.A.W. Law" tax cuts.

But if tax cuts and improved wages from the strengthening labour market can boost growth above 3 per cent and revenues with it, as HSBC chief economist Australia and New Zealand Paul Bloxham predicts, Mr Morrison may be able to have his cake and eat it too.

That is, he will be able to deliver the tax cuts and infrastructure spending that the budget is expected to be built around – and return the budget to surplus by 2021, or even earlier.

Households with debt three or more times income. High household debts are weighing on consumer spending.
Households with debt three or more times income. High household debts are weighing on consumer spending.

Mr Morrison isn't only relying on small personal income tax cuts for low and middle-income earners. He's also spending up on infrastructure and sparing them an increase in the Medicare levy.

HSBC thinks this will be enough to lift real GDP growth to 3.2 per cent in 2018 – more optimistic than most – with broad-based growth across states and industries.

The bank expects the household sector to do its bit alongside rising business investment and infrastructure spending, and not be cowed by high household debts or a cooling housing market.

'Solid lift in national income'

"History would say 'be cautious, be cautious'," says Chris Richardson, a partner at Access Economics.
"History would say 'be cautious, be cautious'," says Chris Richardson, a partner at Access Economics. Louie Douvis

"I think we have had a solid lift in national income. It's delivering more tax revenue to the government than people have expected and we are going to see it fed back into the economy in the form of tax cuts and increased infrastructure spending," Mr Bloxham said.

"The clear thing to me is there is going to be looser fiscal policy post this budget and that's going to support growth in the economy at some point."

Mr Richardson is more cautious because household debt – which has increased sharply in the easy money post-financial crisis era – is making families feel vulnerable and weighing on consumer spending.

He worries that Mr Morrison may be lulled into a false sense of security by a temporary surge in nominal GDP growth – which approximates national income and determines revenues from year to year – that is not reflected in real growth.

"History would say we get these revenue surges from time to time and they are marvellous but history would say 'be cautious, be cautious'," Mr Richardson said.

Tax reform not piecemeal cuts

Industry Super Australia chief economist Stephen Anthony said a real growth forecast of "something between 2½ per cent and 2¾ per cent would be a little more cautious and in keeping with the post-GFC economy".

Mr Anthony said if Mr Morrison wanted to boost growth, it "needs to focus on tax reform not piecemeal tax cuts whether to company or personal taxes" and removing "tax wedges" or inefficiencies and glaring inequalities would do much more than a small tax cut.

He suggested a broad-based land tax – long a goal for tax reformers. "There's a bunch of things we could be doing if government were smarter," he said.

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