
Macquarie's World Part 1: How the millionaires' factory became a world force

Macquarie Group's first tentative steps on the road to becoming a global powerhouse started with a bloke named Bill Best.

It was 1989, and Best, who was head of equities at the now 49 year-old group, believed he'd spotted a way for the Macquarie securities unit to venture into markets outside Australia and New Zealand.

Best might have been several rungs down from then Macquarie chief executive Tony Berg, but the group's guiding ethos – that ideas can come from everywhere – was already in place.

Berg and future Macquarie chief executive Allan Moss, who would be central to a more concerted global push, were open to listening. Pretty soon, Moss, who led the financial markets unit at the time, and Best were on a plane to London.

Moss remembers it well.


"Bill was able to really seize that opportunity." he tells The Australian Financial Review.

"There was a risk management framework put in place. I went on the plane with him but I was going with him, he wasn't going with me.

"That's the way things worked. It was people saying I have, or our business, has an idea."

Today, Macquarie's sprawling global empire spans 25 countries, and the group has expanded well beyond its investment banking and markets roots into a giant of infrastructure and asset management firm. Macquarie has $483.5 billion under management around the world.

Macquarie Bank's board of directors in 1991. Allan Moss is on the left.
Macquarie Bank's board of directors in 1991. Allan Moss is on the left. Dean Sewell

Macquarie's investments include smart meters in the United Kingdom, a joint controlling stake in a water portfolio in Northern China, a holding in offshore wind farm EnBW Baltic 2 and a stake in the Norte III combined-cycle gas plant near Ciudad Juarez, Mexico.

Back in 1989, though, it was Best that knew the operations of Kleinwort Benson Australia were on the block and acquiring those would deliver Macquarie a European presence in equities, people on the ground in London and a smaller office in Munich.

The negotiations were under way in what would later mark an important point in Macquarie's 49-year history.

"It was an initiative and basically a decision by the head of that [equities] division, which was then approved by top management," Moss says.

Allan Moss, (left) retiring CEO, and his successor, Nicholas Moore.
Allan Moss, (left) retiring CEO, and his successor, Nicholas Moore. Rob Homer

"It was for a very specific purpose, which was to provide a better service for clients in the UK and in Europe and in Australia.

"It was a very carefully managed decision financially."

These events were occurring just four years after Hill Samuel Australia received trading bank status and morphed into Macquarie Bank. Importantly, it was also just a short time after the spectacular sharemarket crash of 1987.

"The '80s were a pretty go-go period in financial markets. Macquarie did well in the '80s as well, which was also a challenging period," Moss says, adding that chairman at the time, David Clarke, flanked by Berg, "pioneered" the group's intense risk management focus.

Former Macquarie chief executive Allan Moss.
Former Macquarie chief executive Allan Moss. Peter Braig

"A huge amount of work went into that risk management. You can't achieve anything in risk management without the chief executive and the chairman on board."

The chain of events in 1989 led to Macquarie having a small presence in London and then Munich, and appear indicative of how Macquarie and its 14,000 employees still pursue opportunities and new markets.

A bottom-up culture

Nicholas Moore, who has been chief executive for a decade and joined Macquarie in 1986, characterises the group as having a "bottom up" culture that puts power in the hands of individual businesses and employees.

Macquarie has had no shortage of reputational issues.
Macquarie has had no shortage of reputational issues. David Rowe

"In terms of our people – who are close to clients and close to markets – they are feeling empowered in their Macquarie structure, Macquarie culture, and Macquarie team culture to actually look at new opportunities," he says.

"Equally important is giving people that freedom to look at those new opportunities, and the obligation that we all have to hold ourselves accountable to the actual outcome.

"We don't govern the group to overarching strategic goals."

Macquarie went on to open offices in New York and Hong Kong during the 1990s, before listing on the Australian Securities Exchange in 1996. Three years later, it acquired the Australian assets of Bankers Trust.

By 2000, offshore businesses accounted for 21 per cent of Macquarie's earnings and the now Moss-led mantra centred on selective expansion outside of Australia. During that year offices were opened in Chicago, Vancouver, Sao Paulo, Tokyo and Cape Town.

Four years later, Macquarie's growth via acquisition stepped up in overseas markets with the purchase of the Asian cash equities business of ING Group.

It was, however, a failed high-profile tilt for the London Stock Exchange in 2006 that really thrust Macquarie onto the global stage. The group was beginning to leverage its balance sheet and more opportunistically stalk targets around the world.

Not long after the LSE saga, Macquarie was successful in forming a consortium and acquiring Britain's biggest water supplier Thames Water in a deal worth £8 billion ($14.2 billion). By this time, Macquarie had become adept at raising large infrastructure investment funds and tipping in its own capital alongside its clients.

But the Thames Water acquisition put Macquarie firmly in the sights of UK politicians and the end consumer. The group has since sold out of the Thames Water investment but for several years copped flak from various commentators who accused Macquarie of saddling it with too much debt.

Back in Australia in 2007, when Macquarie was being savaged for its "millionaires' factory" moniker and image, Moore and key lieutenant Tim Bishop also lost out on a bid to buy Qantas. That failure came just before the collapse of global giant Lehman Brothers, when focus in the financial services sector turned to surviving the onslaught of the global financial crisis.

Making the most of the GFC

The GFC also claimed two of Macquarie's locally based rivals that had been pursuing their own offshore expansions, Babcock & Brown and Allco Financial Group. Macquarie was able to lean on a government general guarantee of deposits and a special wholesale funding arrangement to help get through the crisis.

After emerging out the other side, and benefiting from the large Australian company balance sheet recapitalisations of 2009, Moore led Macquarie into perhaps its most applauded acquisition.

That was the group's bigger push into asset management came in the latter half of 2009 when it snapped up Philadelphia-based Delaware Investments in the United States. The transaction would deliver Macquarie more than $US125 billion ($159.4 billion) in assets under management and more than 500 employees.

That year was also characterised by a string of other acquisitions including energy advisory and capital markets firm Tristone Capital Global, US research and advisory company Fox Pitt-Kelton Cochran Caronia Waller and the equity derivatives and structured products business of German private bank Sal. Oppenheim.

Not everything went smoothly though. The Sal. Oppenheim and Fox Pitt deals were eventually subject to staff departures and other issues, and Macquarie eventually shuttered most of the European derivatives and structured products business.

"Macquarie has taken a considered approach to global expansion. It has had more successes than failures," says Mark Nathan, a managing partner at Arnhem Investment Management.

"The many successes allow us to gloss over the multiple failures.

"Macquarie has not traditionally entered an offshore market with a large capital intensive bang. This has facilitated them being nimble in their approach while they establish a business.

"What characterises Macquarie's response to failures is that they are reasonably quick to respond and shut down those ventures where the outlook deteriorates."

Other areas that Macquarie has pulled the plug on in its overseas expansion include its private wealth business in Canada and its mortgage operations in Italy.

Patient expansion

On the approach to the offshore expansion, Moss says: "There was a great preparedness to be very patient in the early days. There were a number of international units that made no money or almost no money for five years.

"Sometimes we did make mistakes but there was that preparedness to be very patient, provided things were moving in the right direction there was no concern.

"People were very committed, the individuals typically stayed a very long time, often for decades."

Moore says as the Macquarie business has evolved it has often seen executives and their teams changing course on their initial expansion or growth plans.

"You often find that if you are holding yourself accountable then actually you might not be going where you thought you were going. You are going somewhere else, or indeed, you will need to change course," he quips.

"It is remarkable the way these businesses have evolved."

Macquarie's corporate and asset finance division over the past decade has expanded into areas including buying up corporate loans and beefing up in aircraft leasing. It has undertaken acquisitions including GATX Air in 2006 and bought a fleet of planes from AWAS Aviation Capital three years ago.

In commodities and global markets, Macquarie has also been acquisitive, making purchases including that of Cargill Petroleum and Cargill North America Power and Gas trading businesses.

Energy has been identified by Macquarie as a key area of focus. Last year, the company and its consortium partners completed the acquisition of the Green Investment Bank from the UK government for £2.3 billion.

Macquarie plans to use that platform as a springboard to push into renewable energy markets in Europe then more broadly around the world.

The main criticism of Macquarie's international reach is that the group has made few inroads in Asia despite the geographic closeness and the opportunities presented in the region. At last count, Asia accounted for about 10 per cent of Macquarie's net operating income.

"Asia has taken longer to grow than expected, but I'd be surprised if anyone internally or externally actually models Macquarie on a regional basis," Arnhem's Nathan says. "However, when you break down their business lines, there are certainly more opportunities in Asia."

Nathan notes that while Australia has many successful offshore exports – including Brambles, biotech CSL, medical device firm Cochlear – "very few" of them are in the financial services sector.

"Those that have tried and failed typically took too long to recognise the differences in the industry structure of their offshore markets. Take NAB [National Australia Bank] or IAG [Insurance Australia Group] in the UK as examples," he adds.

Moore doesn't flinch when asked whether Macquarie could have made better inroads in Asia.

"We are happy with the progress of our business in Asia," he says.

"South Korea has been a good story for Macquarie," he added, noting Macquarie had grown its businesses in a range of activities in the region, outside financial markets.

Responding to a question on the mixed results of Australian companies moving into offshore markets, Moore says it's his view that there ia a "long list" of Australian companies that have managed international expansion well including CSL, Atlassian, Nuix and Westfield Group.

"We've got a lot of successful businesses ... I think that distinction [that Australian companies don't do well offshore] is overplayed."

A flat structure

While there appear to be few differences compared to its rivals in the way Macquarie conducts meetings across its global operations, staff canvassed by the Financial Review said its flatter structure and autonomy at a division level typically facilitated quicker decision making.

Macquarie's offices are mostly open plan – although the group executives have offices – and employees speak of a culture of "getting things done" rather than being process-driven.

In the past, Macquarie has had initiatives such as Thinkspace, an internal corporate-training facility, and has referenced the management mantra "loose/tight," reflecting the organisational structure that was designed to be "non-hierarchical".

Now Macquarie's stated operational principles focus on three areas; opportunity, accountability and integrity.

Macquarie's key lines of accountability lead to the 20-member management committee and its more prestigious 12-member executive committee. Andrew Downe, who leads commodities and global markets, and Nick O'Kane, who runs commodity markets and finance, are the only members of the executive committee to be based offshore, while seven members of the management committee live outside of Australia.

What's clear, though, is that in keeping the group humming along, travel is a mainstay in the life of Macquarie's most senior people. Macquarie's board, led by chairman Peter Warne, also holds several of its meetings outside Australia every year.

More broadly, the executive committee meets several times a month on key operational decisions and matters.

Macquarie's team also needs to be mindful of the composition of its shareholder register. Domestic fund managers hold about 37 per cent, followed by offshore institutions at 31 per cent and retail investors with 25 per cent. Staff hold the remainder.

Still, Macquarie's culture is often in the spotlight for the wrong reasons, particularly its traders and its private wealth division; the latter was the subject of a multi-year enforceable undertaking by the corporate regulator.

Just last week, while conceding some mistakes, Macquarie told a senate inquiry the company rejected allegations that market manipulation, misappropriation of client funds and conflicts of interest were rife in its Melbourne private wealth division.

There have also been issues overseas where, like many of its peers, Macquarie has had to manage a string of compliance failures over the past decade.

In 2013, Macquarie along with ANZ Banking Group was disciplined by the Monetary Authority of Singapore after an investigation found traders engaged in several attempts to inappropriately influence interest rate and foreign exchange pricing in the market's trading hub.

The same two local banks also settled an action by the competition regulator for attempting to act as a cartel over setting the benchmark rate for the Malaysian ringgit. Macquarie was hit with a fine in South Korea in 2015 after regulators alleged illegal bond trading.

Last year, Macquarie was also drawn into the federal government's controversial bank levy which prompted Moore to warn of an "unintended and disproportionate" impact on its local lending operations.

Regulatory and compliance matters are front and centre. In the six months ended September 30, Macquarie spent $220 million on regulatory compliance programs and levies around the world.

"The royal commission is undoubtedly a turbulent time for our banks, but the banks should use this as an opportunity," says Sarah Kruger, Accenture's talent and organisation lead for financial services.

"For example, there is more that can be potentially done around explaining what they do for society here in Australia."

"It's about getting people to think about what is right and wrong and addressing the grey area ... It's about example setting which comes from the top – companies need to hold senior people accountable and publicly own their issues and challenges."

On Macquarie specifically she adds: "To be effective in the entrepreneurial sense you need to be able to let people try things out and make mistakes. The challenge is balancing that with what is right and making sure you learn from any mistakes."

Still call Australia home?

Just after the federal bank levy was announced in last year's federal budget, Macquarie is said to have reopened its file on up-ending its Sydney headquarters and re-domiciling in Singapore or elsewhere.

While that plan seems to be off the near-term agenda, Macquarie executives and its board are said to consider the issue of domicile and headquarters in some detail every year at an annual strategy session.

The first serious review of changing Macquarie's home base came under Moss in 2007, when Macquarie's offshore income surpassed Australia's contribution for the first time. Moss told investors that: "The board has resolved to stay headquartered in Australia. This decision was based on a number of factors, including that Australia remains our single largest market and is close to Asia. It is also where our success began."

Later that year, Macquarie undertook a corporate restructure, which created Macquarie Group Limited as a non-operating holding company.

At its latest interim results, handed down in October 2017, Macquarie outlined that Australia accounted for 38 per cent of net operating income. The next largest contribution came from Europe the Middle East and Africa with 28 per cent and the Americas at 24 per cent.

Macquarie is, however, positioning for a surge in infrastructure related projects and asset sales in the US and will also benefit from the Trump administration's corporate tax cuts.

In an operational briefing earlier this month, Macquarie noted that due to the US cuts its effective tax rate there would decline by about 25 per cent. The company estimated that would bring about a reduction in its total effective tax rate of as much as 4 percentage points.

The Tax Institute's senior tax counsel Bob Deutsch notes that while re-domiciling is off the near term agenda for Macquarie, the idea would likely be revisited, given the trend for lower corporate tax rates in some parts of the world.

"The bank levy, which was the catalyst for that discussion, has turned out to be a minor impost," he says. "With Macquarie in particular, in the same way as BHP or Rio Tinto, there is a cultural issue there and they haven't wanted to lose the cache of being an Australian company."

If Australia's corporate tax rate fails to move in step with other jurisdictions, Deutsch believes Macquarie will again assess the attractiveness of Singapore and also the US as a destination for its headquarters, particularly if the Americas begin to challenge Australia's income contribution.

"Because of the absurdity of our political system in Australia ... we have a dog's breakfast of an outcome [on corporate tax reductions]," he says. "There are a whole raft of reasons the US makes sense for Macquarie, tax is just one of them."

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