
Money laundering scandal: what CBA admitted to, and why it happened

One of the criminals who used Commonwealth Bank of Australia's teller machines to launder the proceeds of drug sales out of the country was Yuen Hong Fung. Having opened CBA accounts with dozens of fake identities, Mr Fung – who is now in jail – was able to use the bank's ''Intelligent Deposit Machines" to deposit $670,420 in just one day, in June 2015.

This involved him inserting about 13,000 mostly $50 notes into the machines. The money had been made from selling methamphetamine. It was being transferred to accounts in Hong Kong, according to AUSTRAC's original 583-page statement of claim lodged last August, which detailed Fung's behaviour alongside many other organised crime groups that had turned to CBA to move their dirty cash.

As the transactions regulator AUSTRAC and CBA acknowledged as they announced the settlement of the case and a record $700 million civil penalty on Monday, "criminal syndicates rely upon money laundering syndicates to import and distribute their drugs".

And those money laundering syndicates were certainly attracted to CBA's IDMs.

When the bank introduced them in May 2012, cash deposits that first month totalled $868,825. By May 2017 – at which time CBA had installed 805 IDMs – cash deposits going through them had hit about $1.7 billion that month.


The criminals liked the IDMs because, in contrast to older ATMs, cash put into them was automatically counted and a CBA account was instantly credited with the amount of that cash. Funds were immediately available for transfer, including international transfer.

The syndicates also liked using CBA because the bank had not put limits on the amount that could be inserted. It wasn't until CBA introduced daily limits on the machines in 2017 (when it applied a $20,000 limit on cash deposits made to personal CBA accounts using a CBA branded card) and 2018 (when it added a $10,000 limit on cash deposits to CBA personal and business accounts) that AUSTRAC determined the bank had "sufficient appropriate risk-based controls to mitigate and manage" the money laundering and terrorist financing risk posed by the IDMs, the regulator said on Monday.

"Had CBA introduced daily limits earlier, it would have disrupted money laundering activity through IDMs by syndicates involved in the importation and distribution of drugs including methamphetamine," the agreed statement of facts said.

"During the time that daily limits had not been introduced, several million dollars of money-laundering occurred through CBA's IDMs and some of the persons involved in the syndicates laundering money through IDMs have been prosecuted and convicted of unlawful activity."

It was an observant manager at CBA's Leichhardt Marketplace branch, in Sydney's inner west, who ultimately alerted the bank to Fung, who had been noticed shovelling huge sums of cash through the ATMs. It was the 12th visit by Fung to that branch; he would keep using other CBA branches to deposit at least another half a million dollars before his ultimate arrest by the Australian Federal Police in August that year.

In the settlement documents published on Monday, CBA admitted to a range of breaches of the Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorism Financing (AML/CTF) Act relating to the failure to submit "suspicious matter reports" (SMRs) – which should have identified criminals like Fung.

He was depositing less than $10,000 each time, to avoid the automatic reports that must be sent to AUSTRAC for deposits of more than that amount – although, as the case also revealed, many of these ''threshold transaction reports'' (TTRs) also failed during the period, the result of a systems error.

CBA admitted to not submitting SMRs on 29 occasions within the required time frame (three days) in relation to the criminal syndicate of which Fung was a member. AUSTRAC said he had been using false identification and the bank had received information from law enforcement to this effect – with Fung and his associate being listed in two email notifications to CBA from the AFP.

Austrac alleges nearly $9 billion in cash was deposited through CBA's new ATMs before it conducted any assessment of the ...
Austrac alleges nearly $9 billion in cash was deposited through CBA's new ATMs before it conducted any assessment of the money laundering and terrorism-financing risks associated with the machines. Daniel Pockett

Law enforcement warnings

This was not the only time CBA did not act on intelligence tip-offs of dodgy behaviour going on at the bank. On 69 occasions between August 2012 and June 2017, CBA did not submit SMRs within the required time in relation to possible money laundering after the bank had received requests from law enforcement for account details in the context of a criminal investigation.

And on 40 occasions, it didn't properly submit SMRs in relation to instances of suspicious account activity "indicative of possible money laundering or structuring transactions to evade TTR requirements".

"CBA failed to report millions of dollars of suspected money laundering activity through the timely provision of SMRs. During the period for which CBA admits that its monitoring and [enhanced customer due diligence] was deficient, several million dollars worth of further unlawful activity was not detected. AUSTRAC suspects that there was significant further undetected money laundering through CBA accounts that ought to have been detected and reported," the settlement documents said.

"AUSTRAC and law enforcement were denied intelligence to which they are entitled under the Act involving several million dollars of proceeds of crime mostly connected with drug importation and distribution, which intelligence could have been used to identify, disrupt and prosecute this unlawful activity."

CBA was also slow to decide whether or not to continue doing business with some customers. It would give criminals 30 days' notice before accounts were suspended, and in 20 cases AUSTRAC said money laundering continued during this notice period, without enhanced monitoring in place to ensure that it was detected and addressed promptly.

Even when CBA identified misconduct, it sometimes looked no further than the technical legal question of whether or not to submit an SMR – rather than the practical question of whether enhanced due diligence measures were required. "This facilitated further money laundering," AUSTRAC noted.

Alarm bells

Former CBA CEO Ian Narev faces the media after the AUSTRAC case was filed in August last year.
Former CBA CEO Ian Narev faces the media after the AUSTRAC case was filed in August last year. Dean Lewins

From AUSTRAC's perspective – and now acknowledged by CBA in the settlement – the technological sophistication of the IDMs should have rung alarm bells within various parts of the bank much earlier.

The claim suggests a culture within CBA where technology advancements and innovation for the customer trumped a careful, measured assessment of the compliance and legal risks.

Money laundering and terrorism financing risk from the IDMs "were high and obvious at all relevant times because cash could be deposited anonymously at any time at hundreds of locations and transferred immediately, either domestically or internationally, without any limit being imposed," the settlement document states.

It refers to a "misapprehension" regarding the legal requirements from the bank's transaction monitoring team, but observes that a "large and well-resourced entity" like CBA "should understand its obligations under the AML/CTF Act, especially in circumstances where it was dealing with officers from the serious organised crime units of law enforcement who were providing the bank with detailed information".

Stopping terrorists

While the IDMs were proving popular with drug traffickers, the machines were also attractive to suspected terrorists.

Of the 53,306 contraventions for not filing 'threshold transaction reports' (TTRs) on time – which CBA admitted to after arguing in the days after the case was filed last August that a single "coding error" means they should be considered as a single breach – AUSTRAC said 1656 of them related to money laundering syndicates being investigated or prosecuted by the AFP, while six of them related to five customers who had been assessed by CBA itself as posing a potential risk of terrorism or terrorism financing.

AUSTRAC said CBA failed to put a timely stop on one of the accounts about which it had formed suspicions of terrorism financing, during which time the customer attempted further transactions.

It was the risk to national security from the contraventions that Treasurer Scott Morrison and AUSTRAC CEO Nicole Rose highlighted at a media briefing after the settlement was announced on Monday morning.

"There are breaches which can put Australian security at risk," Mr Morrison said. "Banks should be leaders in ensuring their systems cannot be compromised by criminals seeking to launder money or finance terrorist activities."

Business needs to be is the first line of defence protecting the community and financial system from criminal abuse, and criminals can be expected to "exploit poor business practices to launder the proceeds of their crimes," Ms Rose said.

"This has real impacts on the everyday lives of Australians and puts the community at risk by increasing opportunities for terrorists to support attacks here and overseas, and enabling organised crime groups to peddle drugs to our families and friends," she said.

Coding bug

Monday's settlement document also provides some detail on the issue of the coding error.

It said each of the missing 53,506 TTRs was a cash deposit that was identified by reference to transaction code 5000 – a third, new transaction code introduced to address a new error message that started appearing in Netbank in November 2012 when customers made deposits using the IDMs.

When the IDMs were first launched, there were only two transaction codes – 5022 and 4013 – and it was these numbers that were searched by the system that generated the TTR. But it seems the TTR generation system was not updated to search for the new 5000 code after it had been introduced to fix the error bug.

The 38-page statement of agreed facts and admissions, which has been filed with the Federal Court for its approval, provides a clear overview of what CBA's duties are, where it failed, the cultural drivers for such failures, and what the bank is doing to make sure they don't happen again.

One of the clear messages from the settlement document – which was also called out in the prudential inquiry by the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority that was triggered by this legal case – is that CBA had a culture that failed to respond to regulatory warnings.

For example – and in contrast to suggestions that CBA was somehow blindsided by the Federal Court action – AUSTRAC itself warned CBA and other banks in December 2015 in a confidential "methodologies brief". It called both the lack of daily deposit limits and the ability to deposit cash anonymously as being a "significant vulnerability". This came after CBA had failed to conduct a proper risk assessment before the IDMs were launched, or in the years that followed, which led to a further 14 admissions to breaches of the act.

Red flags not actioned

But CBA failed to respond to the warning. "No new and appropriate risk-based controls were introduced to mitigate and manage the high [money laundering/terrorism financing] risks of IDMs and even after several warnings and when transaction volumes spiked, it still failed to conduct the assessment, even after AUSTRAC called it out as a 'significant vulnerability'," the statement of agreed facts and admissions states.

CBA's culture also saw it fail to respond to its own teams and staff – like the diligent Leichhardt branch manager – as they threw up red flags. For example, in 2014 CBA submitted some SMRs to AUSTRAC that pointed to suspicions that money laundering was occurring through its IDMs. But it didn't do a risk assessment or introduce risk-based controls to manage such risks at the time.

Similarly, around July 2015, CBA gained evidence through its own intelligence analysis that criminal syndicates were laundering several millions of dollars through its IDMs. It even engaged with the serious organised crime units of the AFP, NSW and Western Australian police about the activity. But again, its risk assessment here failed to follow its own AML procedures and no new or appropriate risk controls were introduced in response.

CBA again assessed the IDMs in July 2016 to have a high inherent money laundering risk but concluded that the residual risk of the IDMs was low.

The AUSTRAC settlement is clear that just because CBA is big and complex, that is no excuse for legal non-compliance. CBA processes more than 16 million transactions a day and over a period from the start of January 2012 to the end of December 2017, its transaction monitoring team reviewed about 234,000 alerts, filed more than 44,000 SMRs and exited more than 4800 customers.

But AUSTRAC said "CBA is a large and well-resourced entity that should understand its obligations under the AML/CTF Act". It added this was even more the case "in circumstances where it was dealing with officers from the serious organised crime units of law enforcement who were providing the bank with detailed information".

Board duties

This inevitably raises questions about corporate governance at CBA and the role and responsibilities of the board of directors, now led by Catherine Livingstone.

The settlement and CBA chief executive Matt Comyn's statement on Monday was clear that none of the bank's contraventions were the result of any deliberate intention to breach the law. Nevertheless, he said the bank "fully appreciate[s] the seriousness of the mistakes that we made" and said the bank was committed to improving operational risk management and compliance.

Under a heading in the settlement document relating to "board and senior management involvement", CBA said it "now acknowledges that it did not take all necessary steps to appropriately identify, mitigate and manage the money laundering/terrorism financing risks of IDMs".

It also said it "acknowledges that there were deficiencies in oversight, accountabilities and resources in respect of its anti-money laundering/counter terrorism financing compliance and risk management functions".

The bank agreed money laundering and terrorism financing "undermine the integrity of the Australian financial system", accepted accountability for the admitted contraventions and expressed "deep regret for those contraventions".

It also acknowledged "the significant impact that deficiencies in its systems and processes can have on efforts to combat money laundering and terrorism financing" and said it accepts it needs to be ever vigilant in this area and was committed to working with AUSTRAC and law enforcement agencies to fight money laundering and counter terrorism financing.


The statement of agreed facts and admissions also sets out a broad program of work that is currently being conducted to fix things, including new investment, new procedures, and enhanced risk assessment and processes.

These include technology projects and more manual checking of automated reporting; better communication between the retail and "enterprise services" part of the bank to share information when systems are changed; widespread changes to processes for TTRs, SMRs and customer due diligence; and better management of the AML team, more AML staff and better processes for ensure staff reporting makes it to to the AML team and gets actioned.

The APRA report will provide a mechanism to ensure this is properly monitored and reported publicly so the bank can enhance transparency and help restore trust.

Early next month, CBA is expected to provide a public update on its remediation plan as agreed with APRA. Meanwhile, an "independent reviewer" will report to APRA every three months starting on September 30, to document CBA's compliance with the enforceable undertaking.

As part of the EU, CBA will have to report to APRA by June 30 on how the findings of the APRA report have been reflected in remuneration outcomes for current and past executives. It will consider whether the measures introduced by Livingstone after the revelation of the AUSTRAC case – she sliced director fees for the non-executive directors by 20 per cent in the 2018 financial year, and cut to zero the short term bonuses for the CEO and group executives for the 2017 financial year – go far enough.

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