
Only fraction of eligible NAB customers compensated over fraudulent loan scandal, royal commission hears


The National Australia Bank has finalised compensation for just a fraction of customers affected by a fraudulent loan scandal which included a bribes for loans ring in western Sydney.

Key points:

  • Banking royal commission heard four introducers were responsible for referring $139 million in loans
  • NAB to compensate first 26 customers over fraudulent loans scandal over next week or two
  • Some customers were forced into financial stress due to unsuitable home loans

The bank's head of broker services, Anthony Waldron, told the banking royal commission that 1,360 customers have been identified as being affected by the misconduct, which included fraud by about 60 bank staff including branch managers in New South Wales, the ACT and Victoria from 2013 to 2016.

Under questioning by senior counsel assisting the commission, Rowena Orr, QC, Mr Waldron admitted that the bank breached responsible lending laws through its Introducer Program, which saw business people including a gym owner and a tailor refer customers to the bank for loans in return for commissions.

Mr Waldron told Ms Orr the bank expected to pay $9 million to $23 million in compensation, with the lower end of the range the most likely figure, but the process may not be completed until November this year.

NAB revealed sackings in November last year in a media release, but it seems most of the sackings occurred earlier.

And it came out today that only 10 people were sacked and the other 10 were no longer employed by NAB.

Mr Waldron told Ms Orr that 26 offers for compensation were expected to be made in the next "week or two".

"This process of talking to the customer, we need to go back and verify with the customer documentation, what was actually occurred during those conversations. We are right at the back end of that process," he said.

"We had identified that there would be about 26 of those we would be making offers to over the next little while."

A close-up of Rowena Orr at the banking royal commission.

Mr Waldron told the hearing that the gym owner was one of the highest volume introducers responsible for referring customers to the bank, even though the profession was not accepted as part of the Introducer Program.

Ms Orr said that $3.6 million out of more than $139 million in loans written by the most high volume introducers were in severe arrears.

Just four introducers, including the gym owner, were responsible for referring the $139 million in loans.

Out of 44 personal loans written by a banker who was sacked, 34 were still active, 20 of those were being managed by NAB's collection division, 14 were more than 90 days in arrears and three had been written off.

Ms Orr told the hearing that NAB documents revealed that some customers had been forced into financial stress because they were granted unsuitable home loans.

"Do you accept what I am putting to you, that the file reviews have revealed that there were significant numbers of customers who ended up with loans as a result of this misconduct that they ought not to have had, and they were unable to service?" Ms Orr asked Mr Waldron.

"Yes," Mr Waldron said.

He agreed with Ms Orr that the bank's incentives program had contributed to the fraud committed by its bankers.

The bank also closed the Introducer Program to new applicants from July to November 2016 while it investigated the program and the issues with bankers getting bonuses for writing more home loans. They later changed the incentive structure for the program.

By early 2016, NAB had fired six bankers for their alleged involvement in a cash for loans ring at five branches in greater western Sydney.

The New South Wales police were notified in December 2015.

Formal breach report not made

A letter was sent to corporate regulator the Australian Securities and Investments Commission notifying them of the fraud in late December 2015, but a formal significant breach report was not made until February 2016.

NAB appointed KPMG to investigate the problems with the Introducer Program and the consultants uncovered a litany of problems, including approximately $50 million worth of loans with serviceability issues, meaning borrowers were having problems repaying the loans.

In July 2016, the bank set up Project Beacon to investigate suspicions that the fraud found in the Introducer Program went beyond greater western Sydney.

NAB identified 44 bankers of interest with 28 located in New South Wales and the ACT and 16 in Victoria, and 62 introducers who were also suspected of misconduct.

Project Beacon uncovered more fraud including bankers who were too close to introducers, and the use of fake documents by bankers, introducers and customers in loan applications.

The commission also heard from Angus Gilfillan, the head of consumer lending at NAB.

Under questioning by Ms Orr, he revealed that about 15 per cent of home loans were currently granted waivers from bank rules on eligibility.

He said loan eligibility had been tightened up since the misconduct that occurred from 2013 to 2016 after Ernst & Young were appointed to review loan files.

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