
Labor dividend hit sets scene for income tax cut war

Labor's plans to end cash refunds for excess dividend imputation credits has set the scene for a bidding war with the government over income tax cuts ahead of the next federal election.

As the government, the superannuation industry and self-funded retirees slammed the Labor policy as a brutal cash grab that would hit people at all income levels, not just the wealthy, Labor leader Bill Shorten indicated that some of the $59 billion in estimated savings over a decade could be used to fund tax cuts to low-and-middle-income earners, the same voters who will be targeted by the government.

"Labor is making hard budget decisions which will allow us to do three things: improve the budget position, make sure that we can have a proper safety net of schools and hospitals and aged care and public transport, and, also, this serious and genuine reform, today's action, will allow us the option of offering tax relief to low-and-middle-income Australians before the next election," Mr Shorten said.

The policy announcement caught the government on the hop.

'What are you suggesting I should do?': PM

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, Treasurer Scott Morrison and other senior ministers are busy with meetings of the Expenditure Review Committee, which is looking at incorporating into the May budget income tax cuts for people earning under $87,000.


The government is limited by its pledge not to jeopardise the return to surplus in 2020-21, to keep the company tax cuts and not allow taxes as a proportion of the economy to rise above 23.9 per cent.

Labor has more flexibility because it will not implement the remainder of the company tax cut package, which is worth $35 billion over a decade, and has not pledged to keep below the 23.9 per cent tax cap. It also has announced plans to tax trusts to prevent income splitting, raising another $17 billion over a decade and its cuts to negative gearing and capital gains tax are estimated to raise another $49 billion over the same period.

Yesterday Labor dedicated some of the proceeds saving from dividend change towards a new tax cut scheme for business in which 20 per cent of purchases over $20,000 will be able to be written off immediately.

But Labor has a fight on its hands to sell the latest dividend policy, which removes a cash refund paid to people with shares but whose tax liability is less than the franking credit to which they would be entitled.

David Rowe

Mr Morrison sooled Treasury onto Labor's dividend imputation policy and claimed that 97 per cent of those who would be affected earn $87,000 or less.

And half of those earned less than the tax-free threshold of $18,200 "including pensioners, part-pensioners and self-funded retirees who have worked hard to support themselves during retirement".

"Labor's policy would completely extinguish a vital income stream for these low-income earners," Mr Morrison said.

"A pensioner buying shares in the Commonwealth Bank will be hit by this tax slug. That is not fair. This is not about fairness. This is about a brutal tax grab by the Labor Party, who cannot control their spending.".

Bill Shorten: Labor's plans to end cash refunds for excess dividend imputation credits has set the scene for a bidding ...
Bill Shorten: Labor's plans to end cash refunds for excess dividend imputation credits has set the scene for a bidding war with the government over income tax cuts. Dominic Lorrimer

Labor said the government was skewing the numbers by using income levels after deductions were claimed.

Mr Bowen said less than 1 per cent of those affected would be full pensioners, while Mr Shorten conceded ,"There's no doubt there's a few people who have some Telstra shares and ... they get a very modest payment.

"If you're a pensioner, I'll tell you what matters to you: can you afford to go and see the doctor, can you pay your power bills?"

Dividend imputation, introduced in 1987 by then Labor treasurer Paul Keating to eradicate double taxation, entitles a shareholder to a tax credit on a dividend that is equivalent to the company tax already paid on that dividend.

Under the changes introduced by the Howard government in 2000, if a shareholder, be it an individual or a superannuation fund, had an imputation credit higher than the tax they paid, then they would receive the excess as a cash refund from the Australian Tax Office. At the time of the change, it cost the budget $550 million a year but that cost has increased tenfold since and Labor says it is a structural impost the budget can no longer afford.

Mr Keating backed the move to revoke the Howard-era change, saying it was unaffordable, but Peter Costello, the Liberal treasurer who made the change, hit back.

Mr Costello noted that the change was recommended by the Ralph Review into business taxes and was supported by Labor at the time on the basis it helped low-income earners and retirees.

Then Labor shadow treasurer Simon Crean told Parliament in 2000: "It improves the current taxation system faced by low-income investors, especially retired Australians."

Former Liberal leader John Hewson backed Labor's change but warned it should be grandfathered so as not to affect current retirees. Labor plans to implement the change on July 1, 2019, saying that gives people time to change their investment portfolio.

Industry reaction was harsh.

The Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia (ASFA) said the policy would have a significant impact on low-income retirees both inside and outside the superannuation system.

"Constant tinkering with the settings ultimately undermines confidence in the superannuation system, at a time when we want to encourage more people to be self-funded in retirement," said ASFA chief executive officer Martin Fahy.

"The system already has a $1.6 million cap in the retirement phase and our analysis shows recent reforms to superannuation and the retirement funding system are working, with time needed for these changes to be bedded down."

Veteran fund manager Geoff Wilson blasted Labor for "moving the goal posts" on retirees and warned that investors might pile into property, which would put more pressure on housing affordability.

"You've got an 80-year-old in retirement who survives on the cash flow that they get from their superannuation and then all of a sudden, if Labor gets to government, that income will drop," Mr Wilson said.

Writing in Wednesday's The Australian Financial Review, Mr Bowen says Labor will stand its ground.

"Just like our reforms to negative gearing and family trusts, the government will no doubt attempt a shrill scare campaign about Labor's imputation policy," he says.

"But just as with our other announcements, we will stand our ground and argue our case for good policy that is in the national interest."

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